It is possible to completely cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with the help of a complex treatment

how cervical osteochondrosis develops

Cervical osteochondrosis (SCD) is a degenerative disease of the spine that affects intervertebral discs. In the early stages, it is difficult to diagnose - it is asymptomatic. In the future, abandoning treatment may lead to a decrease in the quality of active life, constant pain, a feeling of stiffness in the head and neck.

The occurrence of the disease is influenced by many factors, but among others, the following are distinguished:

  • low level of physical fitness and weakness of the musculoskeletal system;
  • sedentary lifestyle - driving a car or computer for a long time in one position negatively affects the cervical vertebrae and muscles;
  • disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system - for example, flat feet and scoliosis;
  • being overweight or pregnant;
  • metabolic disorder.

There are many reasons for osteochondrosis in the neck. In diagnosis and treatment, each case is considered individually by a specialist.

Is it possible to COMPLETELY get rid of the disease?

Important!Successful treatment of HSC depends on the timing of the diagnosis. Only a specialist can determine the degree of the disease and prescribe a method of therapy based on the patient's complaints, visual examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Cervical osteochondrosis is classified according to the severity of the disease:

  • In the first stage, the patient feels acute pain, reminiscent of short electric shocks. Swelling appears, rarely - numbness of the tongue.
  • The second stageis ​​characterized by the appearance of the falling head syndrome. The patient, to feel a lesser range of pain, constantly holds the head, leaning forward. Motor activity in the neck is impaired, bags appear under the eyes.
  • The
  • Stage Threeis ​​the most difficult. The mobility of the neck and shoulders is impaired. The patient suffers from headaches and constant muscle pain. Hands go numb, noise in the ears.

Complete cure is only possible in the first and second stages of the disease, with a competent diagnosis and complex treatment. But you need to understand that after therapy you will need to change your lifestyle to a more active one, include proper nutrition in the diet, constantly monitor your posture and neck position.

The treatment process, from diagnosis to complete recovery in the first stage of HSC, takes about 2 weeks. In the second stage, the treatment time increases to one and a half months. It is possible to achieve complete healing with the help of a complex therapy, which includes taking pills, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage, healthy eating and the use of a special dressing.

How to get rid of SHOH at home?

Self-medication is dangerous. Especially when it comes to advanced cervical osteochondrosis. It is possible to get rid of it at home only in the first phase, in the second - only under the guidance of a doctor.

In addition to the medicines prescribed by a specialist, traditional medicine helps to combat pain and stiffness in the neck area.

Important!When choosing a prescription for SHOX treatment, it is essential to take into account the limitations and characteristics of the body.

Proven recipes for pain relief:

1. Potato and honey compress

It is necessary to grate the large (uncooked) potato tuber on a coarse grater. Squeeze the juice and mix with an equal amount of honey. Mix everything well. Apply to the painful area of ​​the neck for 45 minutes, covering the upper part with a soft cloth twice a week.

2. Application of paraffin

Melt a small amount of paraffin or wax in a double boiler. Cool to room temperature. Apply to the affected area. Let cool. Applications must be made twice a week.

3. Herbs collection

You will need dried herbs - milleft, dandelion leaves, chamomile flowers, marigold, thyme, St. John's wort (1 tablespoon each). Mix the herbs well. To make beer, you need 2 tablespoons of the collection per liter of boiling water. Prepare in a thermos. take three times a day before meals for 3 weeks.

Important!It is prohibited to treat the spine region with compounds that irritate the skin. It is worth remembering that the proximity of the brain implies the careful use of various types of popular recipes for the treatment of SHOX.

Gymnastics and healthy exercises to promote recovery

At home, therapeutic exercises will help to deal with cervical osteochondrosis. It is a mandatory element.

exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

All movements must be smooth, without bumps and sudden movements. In that case, excessive zeal will only hurt. No inventory is required.

Exercises to treat SHOC:

  • alternating movement of the neck - forward following the chin, backward - behind the nape;
  • turns the neck to the right and to the left, turns the head;
  • raising the shoulders to the level of the ears;
  • pulling the chin up to the chest, the chin moves upwards, the chin tilted back.

Each exercise should be repeated 8 to 10 times. Regular gymnastics helps to reduce the load on the spine, improves blood circulation and increases the space between the discs. Over time, the muscles return to normal, the frequency of pain decreases.

Tip!These exercises can also be used as prophylaxis against diseases of the cervico-sacral spine.

Will massage help cure diseases?

Massage is effective in treating cervical osteochondrosis only in combination therapy. This is one of the most effective ways to relieve painful syndrome without the use of drugs, which do not always have a beneficial effect on the body.

The massage technique is selected for a specific patient, taking into account their complaints about the location of the pain. As a rule, to improve the situation, 8 to 10 sessions will be necessary, 3 per week. In addition, it should be performed as a preventive measure, 1 session per week.

Therapeutic massage relieves pain, strengthens the neck muscles, improves blood circulation and relieves spasms.

Important!Therapeutic massage is prohibited for people for the following reasons: cancer, hypertension, fever, inflammation in the body, open sores on the neck.

What else can you do at home to speed up your recovery?

using a cervical band for osteochondrosis

Controlling the position of the head, shoulders and lower back during work, rest and sleep helps to quickly eliminate cervical osteochondrosis at home. It is necessary to try to keep the back straight, not to overload the neck muscles with static push-ups.

Wearing a special vest will be helpful during treatment. It completely removes the load from the intervertebral discs, allowing them to fully recover.

Sleeping and resting in a horizontal position is recommended on your back. For greater effect, it is worth purchasing an orthopedic mattress and pillow.


Cervical osteochondrosis is an unpleasant disease that negatively affects quality of life. Timely diagnosis and comprehensive and competent treatment contribute not only to the removal of painful symptoms, but also to the total cure of the disease.